
Hitastýring býður mælitæki til hita- og rakamælinga fyrir rannsóknarstofur, matvælaiðnað og alla almenna notkun.

Samstarfsaðili okkar er Comark sem er leiðandi fyrirtæki í hita- og rakamælum og þróar og hannar hitamæla fyrir veitingastaði, ýmsan matvælaiðnað og geymslusvæði.


Skoðaðu vöruúrvalið okkar hér að neðan og smelltu á viðeigandi flokk fyrir frekari upplýsingar.




Comark has a comprehensive range of Thermometers from the simplest Dial Thermometers to Pocket Digital, Food Handhelds and Industrial Thermometers.

HACCP solutions

HACCP solutions

Using Comark HACCP products, gathering the data electronically has never been easier. Hand-held instruments can be fully programmed to record information on all critical events in your HACCP plan, including temperature and cleaning checks.

Humidity Measurement

Humidity Measurement

The following range of devices represent those that have been selected as being suitable for use in Humidity Measurement applications.

Pressure Measurement

Pressure Measurement

The Comark range of Pressure Meters is suitable for gauge or differential pressure and positive or negative (vacuum) pressure measurement. These instruments are ideal for applications like H & V, process pressures, laboratories and clean rooms, through to service and maintenance and the calibration of other instruments.

Data Logging Solutions & Monitoring Systems

Data Logging Solutions & Monitoring Systems

Comark offers a range of solutions for logging data, from small battery-operated Data Loggers to Professionally Installed Monitoring Systems.

Timers & Alarms

Timers & Alarms

Our range of Timers and Alarms to complement our other range of portable devices.

Thermometer Calibration

Thermometer Calibration

In addition to the vast array of Thermometers that Comark has an offer, We also offer a range of devices to assist you with Thermometer Calibration.


The complete range of Comark Temperature Probes designed for use with Comark Thermometers, Data Loggers and Transmitters.