
Hitastýring hefur um langt árabil sinnt sölu og þjónustu á gufukötlum, olíubrennurum og ýmsum tengdum búnaði og er umboðsaðili Weishaupt á Íslandi. Vörur Weishaupt eru þekktar um heim allan fyrir gæði og áreiðanleika.


Large and medium-sized burners

Large and medium-sized burners

Weishaupt burners are valued the world over for their sound, high-quality construction. They are efficient and provide many years of service. The burners can be found on combustion plant in domestic, commercial, and industrial settings, as well as performing well in arduous conditions outdoors and on the high seas. That’s reliability.

Compact burners

Compact burners

Weishaupt’s compact burners are reliable and efficient, and have proven themselves millions of times over in everyday operation. Their global success is the result of our unrelenting focus on quality.